By Alan Haber, Ann Arbor Coalition Against War

The War System is defined by the Pentagon as “Full Spectrum Domination”.
The War System is rooted in a culture of patriarchy, command, hierarchy, fear, impunity, greed, deceit, theft, debt and ultimately violence and killing.
The War System purpose is to maintain, or change, the existing political and economic power realities, themselves often established by war and violence.
BEGIN PEACE: uncover the peace always ready
The Peace System aspires to “Full Spectrum Cooperation.”
Peace envisions gender rebalancing in decision making, democracy, restorative justice, accountability, honesty and often reparations.
Caring, sharing, helping and healing are the virtues of Peace. Especially healing is needed.
Recognize that the War System, and its wider Culture of Domination, injures nearly everyone.
Trauma is endemic, even for the victors with blood on their hands.
Compassion and Empathy are the needed qualities ... and Courage. A “turning of hearts” is the experience bridging old divisions.
War is the biggest polluter, oil consumer, waster of life and love.
The sea is warming, the protozoa dying, the sixth extinction coming.
The forests are burning, the droughts spreading, the alarm sounding.
A shift of focus and priorities is the fierce urgency of now.
The need is not to dominate, but rather to cooperate.
Recognize multiple overlapping sovereignties and centers of power
from families to workplaces to nations and the regions of the world.
Be a Voice Join in a People’s Call for a World Peace Meeting!
“All those with guns, put them down and come to the Table to talk.”
Cease Fire! In PALESTINE, UKRAINE, and all war zones
All outstanding questions are the Agenda. Give Peace a Chance!
System Change is the Human Need